TmyXETool for Delphi
I developed this component specialy for my softwares, but today i want to share it with you. Your comment, improvments and bugs fixes are welcome, please send me the new version and keep the copyright as is and add yours.
Note: some functions was built to work with ComponentAce database and you can add BDE, other databases.
i welcome the firemonkey version.
{TABSTable functions}
function _EmptyTable(myTable: TABSTable): Boolean;
function _EmptyTableEx(myTable: TABSTable; myTableName: string; myQuery: TABSQuery): Boolean;
{Windows functions}
function _UpperFirstChar(str: string): string;
function _ExtractNum(str: string): string;
function _ExtractNumEx(str: string): string;
function _ExtractStr(str: string): string;
function _GetFieldSum(myTable: TABSTable; strField: TField): Real;
function _SetCurrFormat(extValue: string): string;
function _StrToName(varName: string): string;
function _GetComputerName: string;
function _GetUserName: string;
function _DelSpaces(str: string): string;
function _CopyFile(Source, Destination: string; progress: TProgressBar): Boolean; // (C) Thomas Stutz
function _YearsBetween(oldDate, newDate: TDate): Real;
{Android functions}
procedure _AndroidInternalPath(connectionName: string; fileName: string);
function _AndroidFlashlightOn():Boolean;
function _AndroidFlashlightOff():Boolean;
function _AndroidStartAudioCapture(strFileName: string): Boolean;
function _AndroidStopAudioCapture: Boolean;
function _AndroidDial(strPhoneNum: string): Boolean;
function _AndroidGetLatitude (strLatitude : TLocationCoord2D): string;
function _AndroidGetLongitude(strLongitude: TLocationCoord2D): string;
function _AndroidLocalise(strLatitude, strLongitude: TLocationCoord2D): string;
{Keyboard functions}
procedure _SwitchKeyboard();
procedure _SwitchKeyboardENG();
procedure _SwitchKeyboardRUS();
procedure _SwitchKeyboardFR();
{Control Panel functions}
procedure _RunCPLDisplay();
procedure _RunCPLMouse();
procedure _RunCPLKeyboard();
procedure _RunCPLPrinters();
procedure _RunCPLInternational();
procedure _RunCPLDateTime();
procedure _RunCPLAdminTools();
procedure _RunCPLUserPasswords();
procedure _RunCPLFolderOptions();
procedure _RunCPLNetworkConnections();
procedure _LockWindows();
procedure _ShutDownPC();
procedure _Info(msg: string);
procedure _Blink(cpt: TControl);
procedure _FilterByStr(myTable: TABSTable; strField: string; strText: string);
procedure _FilterByDate(myTable: TABSTable; strDateField: string; strText: string; fOption: string);
Thanks to all.