Cloning your Delphi by a few click !

 Clone Delphi Wizard is Clone Delphi Wizard

Now you can replicate not only Delphi but the whole Borland Developer Studio!
  • Save your BDS settings for restoring after a hard disk crash!
  • Move your BDS installation to your new computer!
  • Synchronyze your BDS environments between your desktop and your laptop!

All with just a few click of mouse!!!

Tool from

Clone Delphi Wizard helps you to move your installation of Borland Developer Studio to a second machine without the need to manual reinstall all your components and manual restore all your IDE settings.
It detects BDS installations you have and let you choose which installation to backup. Then, it'll guide you through the backup configuration process and it will create the backup set using a multi-threaded engine which grants as fast backup as possible.
The restore process is even simpler and easier: simply select the backup set you want and click 'restore' button. When the restore process will terminate, Clone Delphi Wizard will give you the ability to adjust Environment variables, component paths stored in the backup set and all values stored in the registry backup using a specific editor which shows all inconsistent paths present in the saved registry file. If, for instance, you had in your source machine all components stored in C:\DelphiComponent and you now want to store them in an external disk, let's say H:\Programming\BDS\Components, CDW path editor will allow to replace all wrong values occurences with the right ones before to merge the registry file to the Windows Registry, so you'll have all your paths consistent with the new directory tree.

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